
Sugar Specs

The Hot Chick 01
Steel Blue

Price: $349.00 $289.00

9 Pairs in Stock at
Beachwood Boutique
9 Pairs in Stock at
Westlake Boutique
Authorized Retailer of Sugar Specs
  • Sugar Specs - The Hot Chick 01 Steel Blue
  • Sugar Specs - The Hot Chick 01 Steel Blue
  • Sugar Specs - The Hot Chick 01 Steel Blue
  • Sugar Specs - The Hot Chick 01 Steel Blue
  • Sugar Specs - The Hot Chick 01 Steel Blue

The Hot Chick - While the name may be tongue in cheek, the dramatic look of this subtle cat eye doesn’t disappoint. The lift on top is balanced by a squared off bottom which does an outstanding job of minimizing the under eye

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